Being 5 Hours away from home, and away from the church I go to with my family, FCA has given me an opportunity to join in fellowship with my fellow classmates, make new friends, and join hands with brothers and sister in Christ! My teammates as well as different students through out our campus get together every Wednesday to learn and grow! As a college student, you don’t get many chances to do things like this. You sometimes become lost in the college life. You become lost in your studies or in the social life, trying to make friends.
Daniel Higginbotham has helped me in times where I thought I could do it on my own! Sometimes we aren’t comfortable talking to people that we don’t know or trust. Daniel allowed to easily confide in him, to talk about things that every college student struggles with, but some do not have access to someone with the knowledge and guidance Daniel shared with me! FCA as well as its leaders, has shown me the support and love that Reinhardt University Campus has with in it!
Taylor Jackson, Reinhardt Football